Saturday, July 16, 2011

This summer has been amazing so far! I love my job! Nothing compares to laying under the stars, in my warm sleeping bag, after a day full of rafting and rock climbing, with a belly full of good food and a song in my head. I love being on the river. A couple weeks ago we had a trip called G.I.T. (guide in training) and it's for 16-17 year olds who want to get an idea of what it's like to be a guide. We had three young guys come with us for a week of rafting, hiking, rappelling, and rock climbing. They were all challenged by everything from sleeping under the stars, to rappelling ("walking backwards off a 100 ft cliff ":) They also got share their testimonies and learn about how we do ministry. It was a good week and I loved being able to see them grow! I also got to face some of my fears....I jumped off a 40 ft rock into water and learned lots about leadership! We were out on 4 trips this past week and had a lot of fun.
We have two foster kids living with us right now! There's a 7 month old boy and a 4 year old girl :) They are really sweet.
The summer is going by really fast, I can't believe I'll be heading to college in less than 40 days...