Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hey y'all! I know it's been way too long, but I've been pretty busy.
Yesterday we did Front Porch, which is like a mini VBS for kids in the neighborhood. I got to help with the worship! The kids are so sweet! I felt like I was back in Costa Rica :)
This morning we went to a church to pray and set up for a worship service called RESET, that we go to every Thursday night. After praying for a while one of the church leaders said he felt like we needed to pray for someones left foot. There were two girls in our group who were having pain in their left feet. We all prayed for them, then they ran around the sanctuary without any pain! It was amazing!!! Another amazing thing is, that as we were leaving a friend of mine told me that while we were praying she started praying words she didn't know! She got her prayer language! The funny thing is, it happened in a Presbyterian church... Ha ha :) God is good!
We have the afternoon off today, then we'll be going to RESET tonight.
Last night two other girls and I had a little prayer meeting in the attic, which was amazing!
This week our speaker is talking about how much God loves us, and relationships. She is an amazing speaker!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing how God works!? God is showing you some awesome stuff. We are so proud of you!
    Dad and Mom
