Sunday, November 21, 2010

Well, I've done it's been like 20 days since my last post. I don't know what to do to change that though because I've been so busy, and I'm going to be even more so as I get closer to leaving for India.
So, I just had a nice hot shower and a cup of tea, now I'm sitting in the living room surrounded by people doing their homework and listening to my friend Emily play guitar and sing :)
We did our Thanksgiving outreach this afternoon. We gave away over 200 Thanksgiving dinner boxes and turkeys! It was so wonderful to surprise people with that and just bless them!
We spent a week in Orlando, Florida for a conference and we celebrated the 50th year of YWAM! There were about 400 other YWAMers camping out with us. It was a great time of team bonding and getting to know some other YWAMers :) And I got to meet Loren and Darlene Cunningham, the peole who started YWAM!
We bought our plane tickets this past week! We leave on December 31st and come back to the states on March 7th. We also found out what teams we're going to be splitting up was bitter-sweet. My team has 11 students and two staff. It's going to be good to be able to bond more with such a smaller group, but I sure am going to miss my 10 friends on the other team.
We're all starting to get excited about Thanksgiving! We are having a family dinner on Wed. night, then a bunch of people are going home for the weekend. There are going to be about 7 of us students staying here.
I have to go now, thanks again for praying!

1 comment:

  1. We will miss you much, but I know God has wonderful things in store for you. Have an adventurous Thanksgiving!
